Greater Whitsunday Geospatial Hub – Economic Impact Assessment

Analysis of the economic value and business opportunities for geospatial and EO capabilities, products and services in the Greater Whitsunday region

The Challenge

The Greater Whitsunday region is an economically diverse and resource rich zone that comprises the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday local government areas. Traditionally, the Greater Whitsunday region’s economy has relied on sectors like mining, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and tourism. However, in today’s digital and automated world, it’s essential to explore new opportunities to boost productivity and efficiency across all industries while tackling workforce challenges. The Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) has been established to support the region in realising its full potential by working with government and industry to create and develop new growth opportunities across multiple sectors.

Geospatial data derived from a variety of technologies, including Earth Observation, has the ability to add significant value to both legacy and emerging industries in the Greater Whitsunday region.  A first step is to better understand the potential opportunities and economic value for geospatial and Earth Observation (EO) capabilities and services in the Greater Whitsunday region. An analysis was required to identify industry and region-specific trends, challenges and opportunities to ensure informed decisions can be made about how to best leverage geospatial and EO data and services to support development of the existing and future workforce.


Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3)

The Solution

GW3 commissioned FrontierSI to complete an economic impact assessment identifying the benefits of establishing a Greater Whitsunday Geospatial Hub, as well as providing a strategic vision and roadmap for the Hub.

The outcome was a comprehensive report that:

  • Introduces key concepts and technologies that underpin geospatial and EO capabilities.
  • Identifies sector and Greater Whitsunday region-specific trends, challenges, and opportunities for leveraging geospatial and EO technologies to support the development of existing and future industries and a digitally enabled workforce in the Greater Whitsunday region.
  • Provides an overview of the value and economic impact that a co-ordinated geospatial and EO initiative can bring to priority sectors in the Greater Whitsunday region.
  • Finishes with a strategic vision for a potential Greater Whitsunday Geospatial Hub, a roadmap for achieving that vision and a discussion on key considerations for its ongoing value and sustainability.

A condensed version of the report has been made publicly available via the GW3 website here.


This report highlights how the Greater Whitsunday region can capitalise on geospatial and Earth observation technologies and capabilities to become a key player in Australia’s growing geospatial services sector, which has a projected $689 billion economic benefit by 2034, as outlined in the Geospatial Council of Australia’s recent report

This report, with its research, analysis, and economic impact assessment focused on geospatial and EO technologies, will support broader economic development in the Greater Whitsunday region. It will be used to identify the Greater Whitsunday region’s geospatial competitive advantages and inform strategies to attract investment and foster economic development in emerging areas.

The report is also foundational to engaging stakeholders across the Greater Whitsunday region and further afield, from government decision-makers to investors and businesses seeking to identify opportunities and advantages in the region. This engagement will be the next phase of the recommended roadmap towards achieving the envisaged geospatial capability-building in the Greater Whitsunday region.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said “the report identifies the benefits of leveraging geospatial and Earth observation technologies to support the growth of the Greater Whitsunday region.”


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