SouthPAN Technical Support  

The Challenge

The aim of the project was to ensure that interest in an SBAS is not lost by the public and relevant industry sectors and to further progress research and development associated with the application of SBAS data.

The project had the following main streams of activity:

  • Industry engagement
  • Case study development
  • Demonstration planning and execution
  • Technical support activities

FrontierSI, Geoscience Australia and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)

The Solution
  • Industry engagement – Engaged with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and informed them of SouthPAN’s capabilities and gain insights into their plans for developing equipment that utilises SouthPAN services. The most significant deliverable from this engagement was the Opportunity Identification Report (OIR).
  • Case study development – Found situations where organisations were already using and benefitting from those Early Services. To capture a description of how those services are being used and the benefits they bring, in a case study document. These case studies may be used by GA and LINZ as promotional material to help inform and educate industry about SouthPAN.
  • Demonstration planning and execution – where there were no organisations using a SouthPAN service, to plan and execute a curated set of activities that demonstrates the potential value and benefits of a service. The demonstrations were written up as case studies and technical reports and may be used by GA and LINZ as promotional material to help inform and educate industry about SouthPAN.
  • Technical support activities – included:
    • Answering technical queries about SouthPAN
    • Testing receivers for SouthPAN compatibility when they were made available
    • Maintained a list of SouthPAN compatible receivers based on published specification data.

This project successfully maintained and increased public and industry interest in the Southern Positioning Augmentation Network (SouthPAN) Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS). Through our technical support efforts, we have assisted and educated users in adopting SouthPAN, ensuring smooth integration and optimal use of the SBAS in a range of commercial-off-the-shelf GNSS hardware. Additionally, through targeted industry engagement, the development of detailed case studies, and practical demonstrations, we have ensured the continued relevance and understanding of the SouthPAN services.

Case studies have already been published and the demonstrations showed promising results of using the SouthPAN services in industry. This alongside our vast testing of receiver compatibility provides a valuable resource for public and industry adoption, and the outcomes of industry engagement identified a number of opportunities and provided clear direction and recommendations for Geoscience Australia and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.


To learn more, contact FrontierSI at or connect with Project Director, James Leversha, at