2020 And Beyond
Digital Twins & The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Initiative
FrontierSI has been involved in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) initiative which supports co-design between multiple state and territory jurisdictions, including delivering shared capability and services. A national digital twin, including cadastral reform, has been identified as a priority activity for NSDI collaboration by the Australia and New Zealand Land Information Council (ANZLIC) and FrontierSI has been identified as an organisation that could play a role to assist in implementation.
The NSDI initiative provides a collaboration mechanism for national harmonisation of the specifications for a digital twin with the goal to supporting a federated digital twin model.
FrontierSI is well placed to make contributions in four main areas in relation to Digital Twins based on current and recent project activities as well as partner expertise: assisting with improved data supply chains (FSDF) including driving standards (including quality assurance), resolving geodetic issues related to cadastral and other data sets, supporting and interlinking cross-jurisdictional and cross-sectorial collaboration with respect to digital twins. Additionally, FrontierSI has capability in developing and implementing governance frameworks across different stakeholders, associations and business organisations.