Agricultural Property Definition – Consultation EOI
Digital integration of real time information for Australian producers presents a massive value uplift for informed and timely decision-making on a property. At a fundamental level, enabling digital information to be integrated for producers, requires a spatial property database containing accurate boundaries of Australian agriculture producing properties. Currently, no complete and maintained dataset exists in Australia.
The land parcel component defining accurate boundaries of property is well defined and accessible (land cadastre), yet it is not optimised to provide a holistic linked view into all land parcels that constitute a producing property, nor tagged to allow filtering to agricultural properties. In fact, the definition of a ‘producing property’ (or agriculture property) for all types of agri-foods (i.e. grain, horticulture, livestock, hobby farms etc.) is not well defined. For example, hobby farms may not be captured at all if they do not meet the considerations for a primary producing property, yet still produce agriculture outputs of noteworthy scale.
We need your help.
Developing a National Definition of Agricultural Property and Associated Data Model.
Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), Integrity Systems Company (ISC) and PSMA Australia (Australia’s authoritative property data custodian) have partnered with FrontierSI with the aim of creating a nationally accepted definition of agricultural property and an associated data model. The project was formed in response to discussions between MLA, PSMA, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the federal Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).
This communication is intended to inform all interested project stakeholders and allow you to register your level of interest in being involved in the consultation process taking place throughout February 2020.
Why Your Involvement Is Important.
By being involved in the consultation process, you will help the research team develop a clear definition of agricultural property so that all agricultural properties across Australia can be identified and linked to their fundamental information. Your input will help us understand:
- the current and potential users and use cases of agricultural property data
- your experience with existing agricultural property data and definitions, and the barriers and frustrations associated with these
- your requirements for the new definition including categories of agriculture land use and output to include and information elements (attributes) needed
- your requirements for the data model including the spatial representation needed for an agriculture property map and any access restrictions needed
There are a number of ways you can participate in this project. Let us know if you’re interested by completing a short 2-minute Expressions of Interest survey. Click here to take the survey. Registration deadline is Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 5PM AEDT.
On behalf of Meat & Livestock Australia, Integrity Systems Company, PSMA Australia and FrontierSI, we thank you for your participation and continued support.
Project Manager & Analyst, FrontierSI
m: +61 421 958 214