New Report Released: Enhancing Earth Observation Data Quality in Australia

FrontierSI is excited to announce the release of a new report titled “Australian Earth Observation Data Quality: Exploring the Need for a Coordinated Cal/Val Network to Support the Commercial EO Sector.” This report highlights the importance of a coordinated calibration and validation (cal/val) network to bolster Australia’s expanding commercial Earth Observation (EO) sector.

All of Australia’s anticipated current and future Earth Observation missions will be on smallsats, including cubesats and microsats, with technical trade-offs impacting EO data quality.  Calibration and validation (cal/val) are thus essential processes in the EO data management pipeline, ensuring data usability and accuracy by end users. Although Australia boasts world-class cal/val sites, the current use of these resources is fragmented. The report stresses the need for a cohesive cal/val network that would improve data quality, support smallsat missions, and benefit the broader EO community.

Key recommendations from the report include:

  • Establishing a national cal/val network to support the commercial EO sector
  • Developing a comprehensive repository for cal/val methods, datasets, and protocols
  • Leveraging the commercial space sector to maximise the value of existing infrastructure
  • Piloting an end-to-end cal/val case study for a cubesat EO mission

These findings are crucial for advancing EO capabilities in Australia and ensuring reliable data for both scientific and commercial applications.

Read the full report here: Australian Earth Observation Data Quality: Exploring the need for a coordinated calval network to support the commercial EO Sector

This report was prepared by FrontierSI for CSIRO to evaluate the current state of commercial EO cal/val activities in Australia. The objectives were to assess the status, maturity, and development of these activities, explore the need for a coordinated cal/val network, and identify the specific requirements such a network could address.

Read more: Impact Of Satellite Data Quality On Eo-Derived Insights For Decision Making


For more information, please contact FrontierSI’s Space and Defence Lead, Jia-Urnn Lee, at or Earth Observation Lead, Fang Yuan, at