WA Partner Forum May 2019
On Thursday 9 May we brought current and future partners together to provide a snapshot of opportunities within spatial research, government and location-based services. We focussed the day by exploring where our key research themes of applied geodesy, positioning, spatial infrastructures and rapid spatial analytics are heading. And how these can be applied across agriculture, mining, health, the natural and built environment as well as smart cities. We also heard from our partners who highlighted application opportunities beyond our traditional areas of activity.
There was a great turn out with over 40 people in attendance who were highly engaged and eager to begin work on finding shared solutions for these shared challenges. Thanks to our core partner Curtin University for hosting the day and for our West Australian partners for contributing.
We have created two PDFs of the day’s presentations. The first outlines who FrontierSI are, where our partners’ priorities lie and how to get involved. The second contains pitches presented on the day by spatial researchers and industry representatives.
WA May 2019 Partner Forum Presentation Part 1- Opportunities
WA May 2019 Partner Forum Presentation Part 2 – Capabilities
If you would like any further information about the above documents or would like to discuss potential project opportunities, please contact our team here.