Our Services

We minimise risks while maximising the benefits of research and innovation.

By leading our delivery network through the research and development process, and connecting them with the right people, we are able to maximise the benefits while minimising the risks of investing in research and development.

Applied Research & Research Translation

Lead, formulate and deliver large-scale, complex, multi-jurisdictional initiatives.

  • Leading University Researchers
  • Proof-of-Concepts and Demonstrators
  • Multi-Jurisdictional


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Advisory Services

Strategic and technical advisory services drawing on leading experts.

  • Technical Experts
  • Business Strategy
  • Technology Trends
  • Economic Benefits


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Stakeholder Engagement

Complete stakeholder and end-user engagement, solicitation and reporting.

  • Workshops
  • Industry Consultation
  • Networking Events
  • International Connections


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Technology Development

From Prototype through to operational development.

  • Prototyping
  • Open Source
  • Machine and Deep Learning
  • IP Management


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Complex Project Management

End-to-end management of large-scale endeavours with multiple stakeholders, intricate requirements, and significant risk.

  • Multi-Party
  • Cross-Sectorial
  • Agile


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Model Development

Innovative model development to deliver actionable insights.

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Case Study Development

Tailored studies to provide critical information for decision-making.

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Innovation Programs & Technology Testbeds

Developing and managing programs to drive innovation and test technology.

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Core Research

For over 20 years FrontierSI has tackled the major, cross-sectoral spatial research challenges. Our research cuts across four areas. For further details about our active, as well as our past, projects click on a research area.

See all core research projects

Application Areas

Our research has contributed to industry transforming solutions in agriculture, natural resources, climate change, defence, health and the built environment. Details about active and past FrontierSI projects, click on an application area.

See all Application Areas projects