Spatial Infrastructure Projects

Past spatial infrastructures (SI) research has focussed on developing technical solutions to problems that inhibit access to spatial information and the creation of spatial information products and services.

Our research has included improved semantic search, supply chain automation, data federation and the development of a user-defined vocabulary for describing data quality and fitness-for-use. Research teams, with support from the private sector, have focussed on the creation of proof of concept tools to make research outcomes accessible to partners.

An example is the automated road-naming tool trialled in several jurisdictions. Additionally, the program has promoted the Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure (SKI) concept as a means of creating knowledge from spatial information drawn from a range of disparate sources.


Partners are agreed that it is not necessary to map out a 3-5 year research pathway for the ANZSI program at this stage. There are some fundamental issues to be addressed before such a step should be taken. The aims of the program in its first twelve months, will therefore be to:

Establish a Spatial Infrastructure Resource Centre

  • Engage with a range of priority growth sectors
  • Review and draw lessons from operational information infrastructure experience globally
  • Examine the impact and opportunities of disruptive commercial activity on the national SI
  • Explore options and benefits of creating a SI innovation hub
  • Initiate high-priority, partner-driven, applied research

The activities described here will provide a broad context for identifying the high priority activities of the ANZSI program beyond its first year.