Agriculture Projects

We have worked closely with Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) to better understand how spatial information and location technology can deliver efficiencies for the red meat sector. We are aligning our research initiatives with the strategic goals set by the Australian Red Meat Advisory Council to tackle issues as disparate as branding, fenceless farming and improving supply and demand information. This approach will allow us to meet and work with a diverse range of industry players and build new networks across the agricultural sector, while gaining an on-the-ground understanding of where spatial information can improve the livelihood of Australian and New Zealand farmers.

For a sustainable future we need our farms to be tightly controlled efficient operations turning out reliable products and immune, as much as possible, to the whims of nature and markets. The power of where can contribute to this objective along the full value chain – from paddock to plate.


Improve production system efficiency through:

  • Low-cost sensors and autonomous systems applied to agriculture
  • Biomass estimation to inform better pasture, crop and stock management
  • Integrating soil, vegetation and animal behaviour analytics to optimise production

Improve the supply chain:

  • Predicting finishing weights and dates for enhancing market readiness
  • A deeper understanding of the supply and demand drivers for agricultural produce
  • Spatially enabled livestock management to track health, wellbeing and welfare status