Property Projects

The Imperative

Addressing the changes taking place in the fields of technology, climate modelling, demographics and the geopolitics of our region requires new ways of thinking. Whether quantifying a growing, yet changing population or incorporating the latest advances in technology such as genAI, the ability to answer “where” matters. We understand where and can combine it with answers to why and how to support better insights for you.

Sector Priorities we are addressing

Seismic shifts in climate, geopolitics, demographics and technology bring greater levels of risk to the continued prosperity of Australia’s $10.7 trillion property market. Owners, investors, insurers and government need to quantify this risk so that they can respond appropriately.

State government departments and land registries are looking to build next-generation automation around their data holdings. Automation and orchestration to improve the currency and availability of this data digitally will modernise key public services.

To better decide how our cities grow and evolve requires the use of contemporary data and technology. FrontierSI believes that town planning should enable rather than inhibit urban development. Using data as evidence can provide a virtuous feedback loop that allows planners to make informed decisions. This requires a digital-only approach to managing authoritative property data. This will prevent the development approval process from moving inefficiently between digital and analogue data. In turn, this will increase both the efficiency and productivity of the town planning sector.

Capabilities we are applying to those Priorities

You must be able to measure something before it can be well managed. New data metrics captured by satellite imagery for a distributed asset portfolio requires consistent, repeatable data analytics from Earth Observation (EO) that we can deliver. We have the capability to custom-build bespoke algorithms that work for your project, and have successfully delivered these for clients in the resources and environment sector.

We can build the best team to craft a solution to this automation challenge and create a digital-first platform. Academics aligned with commercial managers, data owners with data consumers.

Underpinned by best-of-breed digital technology we will conflate the development application process and accelerate efficient machine-to-machine interpretation of rules as code.