Improving Transport Services through SouthPan

Providing positioning expertise and advice to the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning on the potential of SouthPan and other positioning technologies in order to meet the current and future needs of the department

The Challenge

The optimal use of positioning data is fundamental to the modern society.  It improves productivity, increases safety and propels innovation. SouthPan, newly established in Australia and New Zealand, delivers a new capability that will accelerate the adoption and development of location-based technology and applications. SouthPAN is a Satellite Based Augmentation System and increased adoption has the potential to result in significant economic and productivity outcomes for Victoria, especially in the transport sector.

The Department of Transport and Planning is fundamental to Victoria’s future in designing, building, operating and maintaining an efficient and safe transport system.  DTP plans, builds, operates and maintains an integrated, sustainable, and safe transport system to meet the travel needs of people and freight, both now and into the future. One of its 2022-26 Strategic Plan focus areas aims to strengthen industry and community partnerships to test, trial and rapidly deploy improvements. The SouthPAN infrastructure and services offer a potential pathway to DTP to improve its current and planned operations.


The project was delivered for the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning, in collaboration with Position++.

The Solution

Through a series of workshops FrontierSI and Position++ delivered expert advice to provide DTP with a comprehensive background of the SouthPAN service and examined SouthPAN benefits to the broad transport sector in Victoria. These workshops also explored the positioning requirements of DTP by discussing positioning capabilities offered by current and emerging positioning and mobility options. Lastly, these workshops explored the future of positioning technologies by providing insights into how CORS infrastructure might need to evolve to keep pace with technological developments and future user demands of positioning.

Along with the workshops, written Q&A responses were prepared answering various DTP questions along with a series of short transport relate use cases that in combination could be later integrated into a report prepared by DTP that highlighted prospective uses and comparisons to existing technology options in an easy-to-use communicable format.


As DTP works to continue serving Victoria’s current and future transport needs positioning technology will continue to play an important role it is future operation. Several organisational units within DTP including Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads, Road Safety Victoria, Regional Roads Victoria, Freight Victoria, and Active Transport Victoria will benefit from a better understanding of SouthPAN and its potential to improve their positioning requirements.  As DTP plans for the future, it is important that they can to gauge the future opportunities to take advantage of the SouthPAN and other emerging positioning infrastructure, as well as potential implementation pathways.


To learn more, contact FrontierSI at